The Construction Industry Joint Council (CIJC) Working Rule Agreement is the most widely used set of terms and conditions in the UK construction industry. The agreement covers over 500,000 workers and sets out terms and conditions of employment for those working in the industry.

The latest version of the CIJC Working Rule Agreement was released in 2020 and is available in PDF format. This document outlines the terms and conditions that govern the employment of workers in the construction industry, including pay rates, holiday entitlements, and working hours.

One of the key features of the agreement is the National Joint Council for the Construction Industry (NJCC) wage rates. These rates are set by the NJCC and updated annually to reflect changes in the industry. The wage rates are categorised based on the type of work being carried out and the skill level required.

The agreement also covers other important aspects of employment, such as sick pay, pensions, and holidays. Workers are entitled to sick pay after a certain period of employment, and the agreement sets out the amount that should be paid. Similarly, workers are entitled to a certain number of holidays each year, and the agreement sets out the number of days that should be given.

One of the main benefits of the CIJC Working Rule Agreement is that it provides a consistent framework for employment across the industry. Employers can use the agreement as a basis for their employment contracts, which can help to ensure that all workers are treated fairly and receive the same benefits.

In terms of SEO, it is important to note that many workers and employers search for information on the CIJC Working Rule Agreement online. As a result, it can be useful to ensure that any content related to the agreement includes relevant keywords, such as “CIJC Working Rule Agreement 2020 PDF”.

In summary, the CIJC Working Rule Agreement is a key document in the UK construction industry, and the 2020 version is available in PDF format. The agreement sets out terms and conditions of employment for over 500,000 workers, including pay rates, holiday entitlements, and sick pay. It provides a consistent framework for employment in the industry and can be useful for employers and workers alike.