Livestock Agistment Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide

Raising livestock can be an incredibly rewarding experience for anyone with a passion for animal husbandry. However, it can also be a challenging endeavor that requires a significant investment of time, money, and resources. For many farmers and ranchers, agistment is a valuable option for managing their livestock.

Agistment is the practice of grazing livestock on someone else`s land, typically for a fee. This arrangement can be beneficial for both the livestock owner and the landowner, as it allows the livestock owner to utilize land they don`t own and the landowner to generate income from their property. However, to ensure a smooth and successful partnership, it is essential to have a well-drafted livestock agistment agreement.

What is a Livestock Agistment Agreement?

A livestock agistment agreement is a legally binding contract between a livestock owner and a landowner. This document outlines the terms and conditions of the agreement, including the number of livestock to be grazed, the duration of the agreement, the grazing area, the fees, and responsibilities of each party.

Why is a Livestock Agistment Agreement Necessary?

A livestock agistment agreement is necessary to protect both parties` interests and ensure that the agreement is fair and reasonable. Without an agreement in place, disputes may arise, leaving either party potentially liable for any damage or loss of livestock.

Key Provisions in a Livestock Agistment Agreement

1. Livestock Details

This section outlines the number, breed, and age of the livestock to be grazed, as well as any specific requirements for their care.

2. Grazing Area Details

This section details the specific grazing areas, including any restrictions on where the livestock can graze.

3. Term

The term of the agreement specifies the duration of the arrangement and any renewal options.

4. Payment

The payment section outlines the fees and any additional costs that may be incurred, such as veterinary expenses. It should also detail when and how payment will be made.

5. Responsibilities

This section outlines the responsibilities of each party, such as the landowner`s responsibility for providing water and fencing and the livestock owner`s responsibility for the care and well-being of their livestock.


A well-drafted livestock agistment agreement can provide legal protection and clarity to both parties involved in the grazing arrangement. Before entering into any agistment agreement, it is essential to consult with an attorney and ensure that the agreement covers all necessary aspects of the arrangement. By doing so, both parties can rest easy knowing that their interests are protected.